This has been a great project to work on during quarantine, a textbook example of a project, while the hardest of restrictions have been in place.
AGENCY Agency: AM Collab
Creative Director: Antonio Moton
Art Director: Brandon King
Prod. Co: Nice Little Picture, Inc
Producer: Nann Patridge
Production Coordinator: Oscar Newman
Company: Illumina
Leaders: Omead Ostandan, Marysharon OwensCreatives: Pernilla Peterson, Erin Davis
Product Manager: Kieren Patel
Project Managers: Matthew Edwards, Casey Moore
Executive Producer: Andrew Sommerville
Post Producer: Mandy Harris
Production Coordinator: Katharine Mulderry
Director: Andres Eguiguren
2D Leads: Keith Sullivan
2D Artists: Rosi Ruiz, Lucia Hill Barroso
CG Leads: James Mulholland, Steve Parish
CG Artists: Arzen Arzunmayan, Scott McGinley, Tom Bardwell, Jeff Lopez, Alec Vacura
Design Artists: Laura Nash
Colorist: Nicholas Metcalf
Audio: Hobo